Cappelen Dimyr
Colonnade no.04 100x240 cm
Kunne ikke laste inn hentetilgjengelighet
Colonnade no.04 has a soft irregular pattern that creates a vivid and intriguing feel. The rug is crafted in natural and unbleached wool in a soft light beige high pile and backing. Its long fringe-edge elevates the look and adds and artistic detail.
Any variation in colour or detailing is a result of the handcrafted nature of this item and makes each piece unique. Please also note this is a partly long pile and shaggy rug which usually have a tendency to shed more than low pile rugs. Make sure to vacuum often to reduce this.
Construction: Hand knotted and woven
Details: Twisted woolen fringe (approx 170mm)
Content: 85% wool 15% cotton
Origin: India
Vær også oppmerksom på at dette er et til dels langt og ragget teppe som vanligvis har en tendens til å loe mer enn tepper med lav luv. Sørg for å støvsuge ofte for å redusere dette.

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